Tools of the trade

Charter Member of the Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild

I use a variety of tools for leather work, metal work, and wood work. Below are jpg's of some of my tools, just in case anyone is curious. Most of them are simple hand tools, although I do have a bench grinder, a drill, and a dremel. But that is about the extent of my electric powered tools.

Charter Member of the Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild

A few of my hammers

My 3 inch long anvil

This has a flex shaft attachment which I rarely use

Diamond bits for fine metal work

A public endorsement of the Vice Grip

This is a good solder

One of the many ways to cut metal

Can't have too many of these

Some home-made fine cutting tools

Leather and jewelry tools

My favorite high-tech butane-run gizmo

More leather-work tools

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